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1 Translation result for push-button in Spanish


push-button adjective

unfavorite favorite
de botón

push verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
pushed, has pushed, is pushing, pushes
empujar; insistir, presionar; apretar, pulsar

Example sentences of
push verb

  • Do you want to push the shopping cart?
  • He slowly pushed the door open.
  • She pushed back her chair and stood up.
  • She pushed him aside and marched into the boss's office.
  • He pushed her out of the way.
  • He pushed me into the table.
  • He was pushed off the sidewalk into the street.
  • She pushed her wet hair back from her face.
  • The bulldozer pushed the rubble over the edge of the pit.
  • No matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't move the boulder.

button noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
button noun

  • She is wearing a dress with buttons down the back.
  • I lost a button on my jacket.
  • He took off his tie and undid the top button of his shirt.
  • Will you please push the ‘play’ button on the CD player?
  • With a fax machine, you can send a document across the country with the touch of a button.
  • If the information on the registration form is correct, click the ‘OK’ button.
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motion picture
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